0404 854 834 OR FROM OVERSEAS +61 404 854 834
The stupid question about insurance is the one that isn't asked . . .

Slicing to the Core of Insurance
Saltwater Insurance Consultants. We just do insurance stuff. Our clients are innovative, market leading organizations in their own right - but are, at times, befuddled by brokers, insurers and black letter legalese. We have been cutting through the fog of insurance since 2007. By working hard and thinking laterally about our client's unique culture, risks and management style, we've assisted our clients achieve remarkable results.

The Right Choice
General Counsel. Company Secretary. CFO. Often the executive with management and reporting responsibility for a corporation’s insurance program. Often with no more experience with insurance than getting a quote or two for their home or car. And often with a little niggle in their day to day life that they don’t quite have a handle on the insurance program, what the broker is up to (or indeed, who they are)… sound familiar? Perhaps we should chat…

Solutions for You
It is a conversation we understand. We enjoy taking care of that niggle. We like getting insurance programs up and running that are relevant, rigorous and right for the risk appetite of our clients. And we thoroughly enjoy encouraging, cajoling and working with brokers to get the best out of their services, their market relationships and their considerable experience, on behalf of our client.
So if you’d like to sort out your broker, sleep well at night knowing your insurance program will respond when you think it should, and learn more about insuring your corporation in your industry than you really thought possible, give Chris Stannage a call.

Another world ...
We aren’t brokers – though we know their business from our having been “inside the tent” – and we aren’t remunerated by insurers. We simply act for corporations to effectively design, manage and purchase the transfer of risk via insurance. And we understand it can be an enormous spend – Chris Stannage has taken that deep breath when the bill hits 8 figures … so we like to get it right, and to explore self insurance strategies that might drive that spend a lot more effectively.

Years of Experience
Chris is a senior insurance and construction lawyer with over 27 years experience as both in-house counsel and private practitioner. He is a trusted advisor to a number of Australia’s leading property & construction players, including listed & unlisted property funds, developers, builders, contractors and financiers. Chris has significant expertise and experience in the design and management of corporate insurance, self-insurance and surety programs, the drafting of project finance and construction contracts and the effective resolution of large insurance claims.
Prior to founding Saltwater Insurance Consultants in 2007, Chris held in-house roles with TNT Australia Group (Director Legal Services & Company Secretary) and Multiplex Limited (now Brookfield / Brookfield Multiplex) (Group Manager Insurance & Litigation) and practised in the insurance & litigation teams at a leading national law firm and one of Australia’s leading boutique insurance firms. Chris also spent time on secondment to Mobil Oil Australia during that company’s global merger with Exxon.

Excellence through Teamwork
In the property & construction sector, we regularly work alongside some of the finest law firms in the country, complementing their work with our unique combination of industry knowledge, experience and technical skills. We happily argue why a financier doesn’t want to be a named insured on a contractor’s professional indemnity policy, but should be on the contract works and public liability policies. We enjoy that level of detail – indeed, we can talk all day about construction insurance (and often do, at industry forums and conferences). And we’ve climbed all over towers, stadiums and hospitals under construction in Australia, New Zealand, Dubai and the UK alongside some of the leading construction underwriters and technical risk advisors, so our advice to clients is couched in relevant industry terms.
Saltwater Insurance Consultants Pty Limited is an Incorporated Legal Practice under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (NSW). Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
ABN 34 127 289 436
0404 854 834 or from overseas +61 404 854 834